Dr. Loukus presenting “Long Duration Impact Loading Utilizing Serpentine Bar Technology” on 12/14
REL’s President Josh Loukus Ph.D. to speak at the virtual workshop “Mechanical Characterization of Materials and Structures subjected to Impact and Shock Loading” to be held December 14 & 15, 2020 (Abu Dhabi UTC 09.00am-1.00pm) Dr. Loukus will be presenting “Long Duration Impact Loading Utilizing Serpentine Bar Technology” on December 14, 2020 at 7:20am EST. The Technology Innovation Institute, through its Advanced Materials Research Centre, and their partnership with Khalifa University is hosting this event. For more information and to register visit the Seminar website: https://amrcseminar.tii.ae/ Josh Loukus Ph.D. will present ‘Long Duration Impact Loading Utilizing Serpentine Bar Technology’ Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) techniques for high strain rate material properties are well established in literature and industry. Obtaining material properties at strain rates greater than 500 s-1 is routine for metals and polymers. Configurating a SHPB system to achieve Intermediate strain rates, i.e.,100-200/s, is possible, but require longer equipment due to the long load pulse durations required to achieve these rates. Serpentine bar technology is an approach to reduce the size of the testing platform for long duration pulses. This technology uses a patented design consisting of a series of layered concentric tubes that multiply the striker pulse length by the number of layers. A fold factor of 3 is achievable for common manufacturing techniques in compression loading. Utilizing advanced manufacturing techniques, the fold factors of multiple hundreds have been demonstrated. Fold factors applied to system components mobilize intermediate strain rate SHPB techniques to smaller lab spaces. The pulse quality achieved with a serpentine striker bar is equivalent to conventional compression or tension striker pulses with the correct design. The present work validates FEA models to experimental results of serpentine bar design for long duration loading in SHPB systems.