REL's LED UV-A Lamp Refurbishment Program
All of REL’s Glo-Black LED UV-A Inspection Lamps include a market leading 2-Year Warranty. In the event that your lamp needs some attention after this warranty period, you may want to consider a complete overhaul and upgrade utilizing REL’s Lamp Refurbishment Program.
REL’s Refurbishment/Rebuild Program is specifically offered for Out-of-Warranty lamps. The Refurbishment includes a complete factory rebuild and recertification. All internal components including switches, drivers, reflectors, lenses, LEDs, and wiring are replaced and upgraded to the latest version. The new Bolt-On Power Cord and a Power Supply are installed (for corded Magnum series lamps). Performance testing is completed to industry standards and a detailed new Certificate of Conformance, unique to your lamp, is included. REL’s Recertification Process utilizes your same serialized housing eliminating the need to revise any procedural paperwork associated with your refurbished lamp. Plus, we offer a 1-Year Warranty from the date of Refurbishment. All of the above is completed for half the price of a new lamp.
Our Refurbishment Program has a turn-around time of less than a week after the lamp is received at our facility.
Contact us today at 906-337-3018 to check your inspection lamp warranty status and, if needed, receive a refurbishment proposal. View the entire line-up of our LED UV-A inspection lamps and our FPI equipment.