
REL to present and exhibit at SEM in Orlando, Florida – June 6-8.

REL will be presenting on the practicalities of high strain rate testing at the annual Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) International Congress June 6 – 8 in Orlando, Florida. There are several parameters that researchers performing SHPB testing are aware of to eliminate error and variance in their testing. REL has taken this list of variables and isolated the effects during high strain rate compression testing of metals. This overview extends into Tension and 3-point bend testing. Setups will be discussed and evaluated. In addition to giving an informative talk, we will showcase our latest addition to the SURE-TEST Systems family. REL’s adjustable new lighting system with multi-length focus and our updated SURE- Pulse software with Digital images Correlation (DIC) will both be demonstrated at the show. Visit us in booth 20 at the Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista to check out the latest modules to the SURE-TEST Systems family and to see why REL is the global leader in SHPB hardware systems.