REL Versatile Dynamic Testing Platform

The correct tool for the job. Having the right size tool is invaluable for most jobs. One does not pound in a tack with a sledgehammer, it is the same with dynamic testing.  Tailoring the desired energy for a given test can be done easily with the multiple options available from REL’s Bar Accelerator line up.  The energy capabilities range from ounces of force in the smallest accelerator up to 400,000 lbs. of force generated in the 3” accelerator.  The accelerators can double as direct impact strikers and projectile accelerators with speeds tailored from 1 ft./sec. up to 1,700 ft./sec.  These systems are mounted on REL’s Flat base which ensures quick setup and guaranteed alignment.  Integrated speed sensors report consistent impactor speed from shot to shot for repeatable, reliable data.  Remote charging and triggering options are available if you are testing energetic materials. REL is adapting dynamic testing systems to provide a safer way to perform ‘drop tests’ and avoid costly drop testing towers.  Multiple bar sizes and fixtures are available to quickly test in various configurations. REL’s Dynamic Systems range in size from tabletop models to systems greater than 60 feet long.

Contact us today at or 906-337-3018 to discuss your dynamic testing needs; or for more information on REL’s bar accelerators, High Strain Testing Equipment, and other engineered solutions.