SURE-Test: momentum transfer study
REL ideated and manufactured a high strain rate three point bend fixture for controlled rate testing. The deformation rates were performed up to 800 inches per second utilizing our in house SURE-TEST System in the momentum transfer configuration. We were able to produce the aforementioned deformation rates with no addition equipment other than the sample holding fixtures. The SURE-Test system is highly configurable, and streamlines the development of new tests. The system assures a precise linear alignment of testing equipment capable of imparting and measuring load at a wide variety of speeds. Producing constant velocity during these tests with 1" of total deformation was a challenge and was accomplished by tuning viscoelastic pulse shapers. The deformation rate curves showed less than 10% deviation over the desired deformation range. A high speed video shot on our Kirana 05-m shows a test being performed on a steel alloy.