Testing with a Twist
High Strain Rate Torsion Testing is performed by researchers at universities and material development companies to understand material response under rapid shear. Understanding this response is essential to a wide range of manufacturing applications from propulsion systems—for all modes of transportation—to high-performance sporting goods. This system packages our baseline compression and/or tension systems with our torsion elements to allow for high strain rate torsional shear loading of solid or hollow sample sections with Digital Image Correlation strain analysis. This system can also utilize maraging steel loading bars with a clamp and release direct torque actuator, ensuring simple setup and repeatable pulse profiles.

- Test very sudden pure shear material response
- Packaged with an REL compression and/or tension system
- Shear loading of solid or hollow sample sections with DIC strain analysis
- Simple setups and repeatable pulse profile when using actuator

Visible Spectrum LED Lighting
Our Visible Spectrum lights are purpose-built for high-intensity, cost-effective, extreme frame rate scientific research cameras.

Essential Building Blocks
Upgrade your REL High Strain Rate Testing system with our Elements family of modular, quickly configurable, high-tech, and precision machined accessories.